Exhibition of Works by Ernesto Oroza
On View July 9 – August 31, 2011
Opening Reception: Saturday, July 16, 2011

Provisional Enemy
Shooting galleries in Cuba are spaces traversed by a nihilistic ray. These are sectors of the city–and of the material culture of the island–in which destruction occurs at an accelerated pace. They are the dispersed centers from where the void radiates.
 6 years ago I made a video titled Provisional Enemy. During the first seconds of the video, one reads: “On Tuesday, 26th of February, 2004, the person in charge of a shooting gallery agreed to sell me his work resources: a wire full of hanging objects that have been shot by dozens of Cubans, each day, with a pellet gun.”
A version of this video, photos from the archive “Enemigo Provisional”, and videos of Fidel Castro promoting household goods from Communist China in Cuban national television constitute the exhibition “Enemigo Provisional” at Artatwork.
Ernesto Oroza, 2011