VISIONS BY Issue No. 5 by Elisava Research and Onomatopee
- Todas las sangres: Amapolay
- La fuerza de La Tierra: Amapolay
- Defender la Amazonia: Amapolay
- False Dragons: Alice Sparkly Kat
- Life-threatening life rafts: Hibai Arbide
- To be killed in this way: Hannah Meszaros Martin
- The coal miners of Donbas: Conall Kearney
- The role of culture in Public Finance Sustainability: Vienne Chan
- Rikimbili: Ernesto Oroza
- Funerary Technology As A Weapon Of War: Hibai Arbide
- Stop the genocide: Friends And Comrades
- Drink water, bro: Ben Yart, Hans Laguna
- Shoplifting: a hidden history of the pocket: Gabriel Calvin
- Amantes del sonido: Amapolay
- Kumbia Calor: Amapolay
- Tropikal Andino: Amapolay
People about Material Cultures.
Issue NUM. 5 – April 2024
Onomatopee Z0028.5
Creative Director and Editor-in-Chief: Saúl Baeza
Executive Editor: Tai Sans
Contributing Editors: Hans Laguna, Ruben Pater
Graphic Design: Oficina de disseny / Ariadna Serrahima & Diego Bustamante
Publisher: Onomatopee Projects, Eindhoven, Netherlands Jesse Muller and Natasha Rijkhoff
Linguistic Correction & Translation: Traduccions MON
Cover Image: Conall Kearney
VISIONS BY People about Material Cultures: Amapolay, Hibai Arbide (X2), Gabriel Calvin, Vienne Chan, Friends and Comrades, Hans Laguna, Conall Kearney, Hannah Meszaros Martin, Ernesto Oroza, Alice Sparkly Kat and Ben Yart.